"WAST Helps At Risk Youth, Students, and Student Athletes Stay in the Game"
World Academic Sports Team Inc. (WAST) provides the following services to help student-athletes to get college Scholarships:
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Eligibility Requirement workshops and seminars focusing on topics which will educate the student-athlete on the entire recruiting process. WAST also contact college coaches as well. College coaches can only offer a high school student-athlete a Scholarship, not WAST.
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)/ Scholastic Aptitude Test (ACT) test strategy classes.
Mentoring and Tutoring services; NCAA 16-core subjects, reading and writing workshops.
Academic assessments, 1-3-minute Varsity Hudl-type Sports Highlight video tape /Resume Services, Personal Training and Nutrition services. (Contracted through community partnerships)
“WAST Helps Student-Athletes Stay In The Game”
What does WAST do?
Conduct year-round NCAA Eligibility Workshops, Academic Tutoring, Mentoring, and Personal Training for all at-risk student-athletes (Ages 8-18) in all Sports on-line via Zoom, from 2020 and beyond due to COVID-19.
Note: WAST Operates on Grants, Individual Donations, Corporate Donations, In-Kind Donations, and Sponsorship Packages.